Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

sixpack stomach

Excessive exercise is also not good if you want to form a six pack abs. Should be, exercise done alternately. That is, every day should exercise but on different parts, not necessarily in the specific part. Suppose today's focus on the stomach, tomorrow may be to the feet or hands.

The next step, according to Susana, is to balance the nutrients. This step is reached by taking the sources of the muscle-forming protein. To build muscle, must enter the menu sources of protein derived from milk, and meat. Meat is a source of protein and fat, but it's better if presented without being fried, but sauteed or baked. If to be boiled chicken breasts and discard skin.

Not only eating foods rich in protein intake, but you also need to limit consumption of salt and sugar. In addition, if you want six pack abs should limit consumption of salt and sugar. Maximum use three tablespoons of sugar a day, because if more could be fat. Meanwhile, if you want to eat rice, brown rice is better. To be visible six pack stomach, it should be noted also the amino acid content in the body. And istirihat enough, ie 7 hours / day. The final step is to motivate yourself to always keep the body. You will probably find a definitive answer about sixpack stomach through program Mike Geary. No need to hesitate Mike Geary scam.

good luck to get the ideal stomach.

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